Flickering I

Flickering I


Artist: Elvis Mamvura

Medium: Green Opal

Prices not listed here. Inquire within to purchase.

Contact galleryguichardsocial@gmail.com 773-791-7003, 708-772-9315

Elvis Mamvura was born on March 30, 1976. Elvis' father was also a sculptor. In addition to being the artist's greatest inspiration, he taught him the skill of stone carving at a young age. Elvis started sculpting under the tutorage of his father, internationally recognised sculptor Albert Natham Mamvura who was famous for the type of mouth pieces displayed here. Elvis came to the UK with Africa Art and became a resident artist in Namrik Mews.

Focusing particularly on abstract works, the artist has an undeniable energy and his works are dynamic and captivating. At the same time, he displays a sharp storytelling ability with his works.
Symbols with deep meanings leave room for imagination and invite viewers to comment.

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